Update on Ohio Legislative Action
CAI Ohio LAC Stalls Bad Legislative Efforts
In March, we reported to you about the introduction of House Bill 20, sponsored by Rep. Blessing, which would allow owners in a condominium or HOA to install solar panels on common elements, subject only to reasonable regulation by the Board. On the heels of HB 20, another piece of draft legislation has been sitting in the offices of Sen. Brenner waiting for introduction. This proposed legislation is an echo of the bad piece of legislation introduced several years ago by former Rep. Cheryl Grossman, which at the time was vigorously opposed at public hearings by the CAI Ohio LAC and many Board members and homeowners. Consequently, and thankfully, it went nowhere.
As an update, and as a result of the efforts of the CAI Ohio LAC, we can report happily that HB 20 will not be pushed forward nor will it be scheduled for hearings. Likewise, Sen. Brenner’s proposed legislation will not be introduced. Additionally, both Rep. Blessing and Sen. Brenner have agreed to work with the CAI Ohio LAC in their future efforts to legislate around the issues that are concerning to them, including the solar panel issue. For many years, the CAI Ohio LAC has been looking for sponsorship for technical correction legislation regarding the condominium statute (Ohio Revise Code 5311) and now for the HOA statute (Ohio Revised Code 5312). Sen. Brenner has agreed to work with the CAI Ohio LAC on crafting this piece of legislation, which as of this writing is being drafted by the Ohio Legislative Service Commission for review in the coming weeks.
Chas Williams has been fortunate to sit on the CAI Ohio LAC for many years, and has had his ear to the ground on the several issues that have come to the attention of the Ohio legislature affecting condominiums and HOA’s. He will will continue to do so, and we will advise you as soon as new legislative efforts unfold. Chas’s participation on the CAI Ohio LAC and prompt reporting on legislative issues is one of the benefits you receive by becoming a client of Williams & Strohm.
Please call Williams & Strohm if you have questions about pending legislative issues or any other questions regarding your condominium or HOA. 614-228-0207.
Charles T. Williams
Charles T. Williams (retired) is the firm’s founder. A native of Columbus, Ohio, and a veteran of the Vietnam war, Mr. Williams earned his law degree from Boston College Law School. During his years of providing legal counsel, he was widely recognized as one of Ohio’s foremost attorneys to practice homeowner association law and condominium law.