Our blog and quarterly events addressing the issues affecting condo association and HOA boards.
Insights Blog
Your legal challenges may be unique to your association, but chances are we’ve successfully managed this issue many times over.
Search our blog for issues of interest and plan to attend one of our free quarterly meetings where we discuss the most pressing issues facing
association boards today. We’ll announce the dates and topics of Legal Insights Quarterly right here on
our blog as well as the home page of our website.
The Ash Borer has destroyed many fine trees on the common elements of condominiums and HOAs. If a tree falls and damages a dwelling, who is responsible for the cost of repair?
Once a leasing restriction is in place, our office is often asked to enforce it. Read about the processes and background as it pertains to enforcement
With the prolonged downturn in the economy and the high rates of foreclosures in Ohio and across the country, more and more condominium associations are finding increased pressure from unit owners to rent their units.