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Archive: 2014 | Legal Insights Blog

Our blog and quarterly events addressing the issues affecting condo association and HOA boards.

Insights Blog

Your legal challenges may be unique to your association, but chances are we’ve successfully managed this issue many times over. Search our blog for issues of interest and plan to attend one of our free quarterly meetings where we discuss the most pressing issues facing association boards today. We’ll announce the dates and topics of Legal Insights Quarterly right here on our blog as well as the home page of our website.

Archive: 2014

Is it Time for a “Live and Let Live” Statute?

Ohio law requires Boards to act reasonably, and sometimes that means “live and let live.” But what about the owners themselves, especially the one who self-appoints to be the community sheriff and watch dog? Do they have to act reasonably? Read More...

Tax Abatement-Who qualifies?

The City of Columbus has a Residential Tax Incentives program which consists of Neighborhood Investment Districts (NIDs) and Community Reinvestment Areas (CRAs). Read More...

Super Lien Legislation: Status of House Bill 371

Because of the thousands of emails, phone calls, and letters that Rep. Grossman received in strong opposition HB 371, she was willing to meet face-to-face with representatives from the Ohio Legislative Action Committee of CAI to discuss the many concerns with the legislation. Read More...

Understanding the Small Claims Process

If your Board does not want to file a foreclosure against a delinquent owner, there may be a quicker, simpler, and more effective way to collect back fees through Small Claims Court. Read More...