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Archive: 2014 | Legal Insights Blog

Our blog and quarterly events addressing the issues affecting condo association and HOA boards.

Insights Blog

Your legal challenges may be unique to your association, but chances are we’ve successfully managed this issue many times over. Search our blog for issues of interest and plan to attend one of our free quarterly meetings where we discuss the most pressing issues facing association boards today. We’ll announce the dates and topics of Legal Insights Quarterly right here on our blog as well as the home page of our website.

Archive: 2014

Documents You Will Want at Turnover

Far too often, developer-controlled boards of directors provide elected owner-controlled boards of directors with little or no documentation when turning over control of the association to the owners. The new Board must know what documents to ask the developer to provide to the new Board. Read More...

Call to Action: Oppose Bill 371

A very bad piece of legislation is now pending in the Ohio House of Representatives. Please help stop House Bill 371. The bill would impose criminal penalties on volunteer board members, require your property manager to be a licensed real estate agent or broker, and mire condominium disputes in costly and unnecessary state sponsored dispute resolution. Yearly fees would be assessed to each association to support this bureaucracy. This is an unprecedented tax on homeowners living in condominiums. Read More...