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Topic: HOA | Legal Insights Blog

Our blog and quarterly events addressing the issues affecting condo association and HOA boards.

Topic: HOA

Safeguarding Association Assets in Turbulent Financial Times

As George Bailey explained to the frightened citizens of Bedford the film It's A Wonderful Life, "The money's not here. Your money's in Joe's house, and the Kennedy's house and Mrs. Macklin's house and a hundred others." He might not have known it, but... Read More...

Adopting Enforceable Rules

Just as there is truth to the saying that "good fences make good neighbors," the same may be said about developing and maintaining reasonable and clear rules... Read More...

Final Word on Senate Bill 61

Recently, our firm has posted a few blogs regarding the impact of S.B. 61 and its impact on condominium & homeowner associations. Hopefully, this post puts any further concerns at ease. Read More...