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Legal Insights Blog

Our blog and quarterly events addressing the issues affecting condo association and HOA boards.

Insights Blog

Your legal challenges may be unique to your association, but chances are we’ve successfully managed this issue many times over. Search our blog for issues of interest and plan to attend one of our free quarterly meetings where we discuss the most pressing issues facing association boards today. We’ll announce the dates and topics of Legal Insights Quarterly right here on our blog as well as the home page of our website.

That Pesky Entranceway Sign: Who Takes Care of It?

If you live in a homeowner association, you will most likely enter the community by driving past an impressive sign structure, landscaped and lit up, with a retaining wall or other masonry feature – or some combination of all of these. But what happens when maintenance slips? Who's in charge? Read More...

U.S. Supreme Court to Issue Important Fair Housing Act Decision

Generally speaking, the Fair Housing Act and its Amendments (FHA) prohibit discrimination against a protected class of persons, which include race, color, national origin, religion, gender, familial status, and individuals with disabilities. On January 21, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a case that could substantially limit the number of claims made under the FHA against community associations. Read More...

Is it Time for a “Live and Let Live” Statute?

Ohio law requires Boards to act reasonably, and sometimes that means “live and let live.” But what about the owners themselves, especially the one who self-appoints to be the community sheriff and watch dog? Do they have to act reasonably? Read More...