Our blog and quarterly events addressing the issues affecting condo association and HOA boards.
Insights Blog
Your legal challenges may be unique to your association, but chances are we’ve successfully managed this issue many times over.
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association boards today. We’ll announce the dates and topics of Legal Insights Quarterly right here on
our blog as well as the home page of our website.
Often, we meet with board members who are surprised to know their association's property/casualty insurance policy covers more than the exterior...
As the recent enactment of Senate Bill 61 became effective on September 13, 2022, association boards would be wise to review their community’s insurance coverage...
As you may know, the General Assembly recently adopted a number of updates to both the condominium statute and the HOA statute in the Ohio Revised Code. Our office has been carefully following the bill...in particular...updates involving installation of solar panels.
The Ohio Condominium Act (O.R.C. 5311) and the Ohio Planned Community Act (O.R.C. 5312)...were both updated when Governor Mike DeWine signed S.B. 61 in to law...